Our Webinars
Below, you can view our published webinars (video presentations) by clicking the bold hyperlink titles – they will take you directly to the video via YouTube. They are ordered from most recent to least recent dates of publication. If you like them, please click the “thumbs up” button below the video, and share them with your friends and family – together, we can stop reliance on gas and electrify our community.
The IRA can save your business money
— while also saving the environment!
Check out our February 2023 webinar with Joel Rosenberg from Rewiring America
On February 27, 2023, Joel Rosenberg from Rewiring America met with more than 25 small-business owners and other community members at the latest community discussion and support group hosted by Electrify Ashland Now! We discussed the Inflation Reduction Act’s tax incentives for energy upgrades and workforce development — and how small businesses can leverage those incentives to save money. Click here to view our webinar on YouTube!
All ACC Meeting – Our successes and some exciting updates!
Published online November 17, 2022.
We hosted the All ACC meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 16, where we reviewed our wins and the steps forward we hope to make in the coming year. We couldn’t do this without you! Don’t forget: All donations before the end of November, 2022 will be matched. Donors will also be entered into a drawing for a free home-energy assessment courtesy of Ben Scott and John Spillman! You can give via our website at AshlandClimate.org or mail in a check.
Experts share how the IRA can help you electrify your home (and save money!) – Published online November 10, 2022.
On November 9, 2022, we hosted an event where local and national experts met with more than 70 community members to discuss the importance of home-electrification — and how the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) makes these upgrades more accessible than ever. We discussed the tax rebates and incentives offered, who qualifies for them, and why electrification is crucial to limiting the effects of climate change.
Induction Cook-tops: Not Your Mother’s Electric Stove
Published online October 8, 2022.
Upgrade your home with an electric induction cook-top today! These alternatives to gas and other electric ranges are modern, stylish, and very energy efficient. It’s a simple, yet effective way to reduce local pollution and benefit your health. This Zoom webinar featured Ashland-based home energy experts Ben Scott and John Spillman, and was moderated by Ashland Climate Collaborative board member Candace Turtle.
Renewable Natural Gas: NOT a Path to Cleaner Energy
Published online July 19, 2022.
Electrify Ashland Now! presents an informational webinar about “Renewable” Natural Gas, how it affects our community, and how it impacts our energy system at large! Panelists include Brian Stewart, Electrify Now; Melanie Plaut, M.D., Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility; and Kiki Velez, NRDC Building Decarbonization Fellow. Moderated by Lorrie Kaplan of the Ashland Climate Collaborative.
Future of Natural Gas
Published online May 4, 2022.
We have little time to decarbonize our energy systems. The science of climate change is clear and alternative technology is available and economically feasible. Now is the time for government policy to speed the transformation to a clean energy economy. Speaker: Christy Anderson Brekken, President of the board of the Oregon Citizens’ Utility Board. Moderated by Lorrie Kaplan.
Electrify Your Home – Published online April 1, 2022.
This presentation, by Brian Stewart of Electrify Now, outlines how to take a planned approach to electrifying your home and review the options available for switching your home heating, water heating, and cooking from gas to electric. Moderated by Mike Wright, volunteer on the Electrify Ashland Now! team at the Ashland Climate Collaborative.
Health Impacts of Gas Appliances – Published online March 10, 2022.
A recent Stanford University study found that gas stoves emit far more methane than previously thought. Representatives of Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility and co-authors of the 2021 report “Methane Gas: Health, Safety, and Decarbonization,” join us to discuss the environmental and health impacts of so-called “natural” gas. Moderated by Lorrie Kaplan.
Visit the Ashland Climate Collaborative YouTube channel, where you can find all of our past webinars and video content about electrification in the local community.